Business Valuation
CONFIDENTUS evaluates business and its growth opportunities. Valuation is the cornerstone of all business transactions. Our seasoned experts with day-to-day practice can present fairness opinion or conduct valuations for a range of purposes from evaluating acquisition candidates to restructuring and reorganization.
Business valuations are performed according to local legal requirements as well as to International Valuation Standards and European Valuation Standards.
Usually we conduct business appraisals for customers who apply for various reasons:
Sale of business or company
Valuation of potential acquisition targets
Business valuation for mergers
Valuation for the shareholders' dispute
Valuation in case of restructuring
Valuation in case of reorganization
Asset and business valuation may also be performed for other purposes – e.g. preparation of financial statements, price allocation, taxation, insurance, loss estimation, pledge etc.

Contact us
3 Burės (Didžioji burė, 5th floor)
Lvivo str. 25, Vilnius, Lithuania